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Since May of 2006, some strange events have been happening. Random cars, houses, trees, and even people were victims of a vandalizing spray-paint attack.
Along with the spray-paint, people have been missing their pets, television sets, cellphones, and laptops! These losses were said to be caused by an Asian teenager dressed in brightly colored hoodies, dirty sweatpants, and clean, white Nikes (which a few people have claimed to be theirs).
No one knew exactly who this nuisance was, until she started settling in a home near D.C. Some people (or past victims) have reported they recognized the bright orange and purple hoodies and new-looking shoes. And, indeed they were correct that this was the same person.
Even more reports and complaints have given this girl as much attention as a terrorist country preparing a bomb attack. Because of a mob attack quite a few months ago, the police was able to capture her and set her behind bars.
Frankly, a few weeks later, she was able to escape. However, during her time in the County Juvenile Detention Center,
enough information about this girl was recorded to be able to find her again.